Dassault Falcon 7X Large-Cabin Business Jet
The Dassault Falcon 7X is a French-built large-cabin, continued ambit business jet bogus by Dassault Aviation, the flagship alms of their business jet line. In 2001, the Falcon 7X, at about $35 million, was about $10 actor cheaper than its abutting competitors in the continued range, ample berth bazaar segment, the Gulfstream G550 and Bombardier Global Express. Its 2007 amount is $41 million. As of 2008, the almost assemblage amount of the 7X is $50 million.
It is the aboriginal absolutely fly-by-wire business jet. It is additionally able with the aforementioned avionics suite, the Honeywell Primus EPIC "Enhanced Avionics System" (EASy), that was acclimated on the Falcon 900EX and after on the Falcon 2000EX.
The Falcon 7X is notable for its all-encompassing use of computer-aided design, the architect claiming it to be the "first aircraft to be advised absolutely on a basic platform", application Dassault Systemes' CATIA and PLM products.