Friday, May 13, 2011

Turbo Prop Beechcraft King Air 200

Turbo Prop Beechcraft King Air 200Turbo Prop Beechcraft King Air 200 Picture

Responding to accepted appeal and the charge for added accommodation in the King Air 90, Beechcraft developed the “Super King Air” or King Air 200/B200/B200GT, a accompanying agent allotment aeroplane that dominates the turbo prop category. The best notable improvements to the King Air 90 were the addition of the T-tail, forth with added berth size, addition breadth and span. Additionally, Beechcraft bigger the agent achievement power, berth admeasurement and range. The King Air 200 has the adeptness to hit speeds of 289 mph and can cruise 1,800 miles. This jet can booty off of runways as abbreviate at 3,500 feet, around absurd for best ablaze and mid-size jets. Typical berth configurations acquiesce the King Air 200 to backpack eight cartage calmly at a amount per hour incomparable by any clandestine jet.

Beechcraft King Air 200 Specs

Manufacturer: Raytheon
Class: Turbo Prop
Seating: 8
Lavatory: belted potty
Cabin Dimensions: 4.90 x 4.60 x 16.80 (H-W-L)
Storage Capacity: 55
Max Payload: 3870 lb
Take Off Distance: 3500ft
Climb Rate: 1500 fpm
Cruise Speed: 289 mph
Maximum Range: 1800
Cruise Altitude: 35000 ft

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