Tuesday, January 17, 2012

AT-3 PLA Advanced Jet Trainer

AT-3 PLA Advanced Jet Trainer
AT-3 PLA Advanced Jet Trainer
The AT-3 is meant to reflect the advanced training concept and to provide the foremost effective training at the lowest value for each the initial acquisition and operational life of the aircraft. the first flight of the AT-3 came about on September 16, 1980, and the production started in March 1982. With its proven record in service, the AT-3 is well-known for its outstanding performance in maneuverability, reliability, and low operating cost. it's exceptionally compatible for advanced fighter pilot training as well as ground attack missions.

AT-3 is provided with two fuel systems, that are independent and capable of cross-feeding. as one fuel system is broken or down, the opposite can automatically replace the previous and supply fuel for each engines. Moreover, the fuel tank is featured by the leak-proof and auto-sealing devices. The capacity of each is 815 liters.

The AT-3 is armed with 20mm cannon which can fire munitions at the rate of 250 rounds a minute. The aircraft has seven hardpoints, including four below its two wings, one below the centreline fuselage and two at the wingtips. It can carry 2,727kg of payload. different armaments attached include Mk 82, Mk84, Mk20 cluster bombs, rocket launchers, Sky Sword I, Tien Chien-1 and AIM-9 infrared-guided Sidewinder short range air-to-air missiles and HF-2 Mk 2 anti-ship missiles.

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