Friday, June 3, 2011

RAH-66 Comanche Stealth Helicopter

RAH-66 Comanche Stealth HelicopterRAH-66 Comanche Stealth Helicopter Wallpaper

The Comanche RAH-66 assay and advance helicopter was actuality developed by Boeing and Sikorsky for the US Army. The aboriginal flight of the Comanche took abode on 4 January 1996. The programme entered engineering and accomplishment development (EMD) in June 2000, which appropriate the architecture of nine aircraft in accession to the two prototypes by 2006.

Critical architecture analysis of the all-embracing weapon arrangement was completed in June 2003 and was to be followed by low amount antecedent assembly of 78 helicopters in three batches in 2007.

In February 2004, the US Army annulled added research, development and planned purchases of the RAH-66 Comanche stealth helicopter. It believed that the helicopter would not accommodated the requirements of alteration operational environments.

An alteration to assembly was submitted for the 2005 account appeal that accustomed the army to abolish the Comanche programme and reallocate funds to restructure army aerodynamics programmes. The army planned to buy about 800 added aircraft and advancement addition 400 with the absent Comanche funds.

The armed assay block I adaptation was appointed for antecedent operating adequacy in 2009 and abundant advance block II adaptation in 2011. The US Army claim was for 650 Comanche helicopters.

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