Monday, June 27, 2011

MC-130P Combat Shadow Tanker Aircraft

MC-130P Combat Shadow Tanker AircraftMC-130P Combat Shadow Tanker Aircraft
The MC-130P Combat Shadow is a American tanker aircraft as allotment of the Air Force Appropriate Operations Command from the United States Air Force (USAF). The capital assignment of these aircraft is to refuel appropriate armament helicopters.

The Americans adopt to do that at night with low visibility, by missions in political or adverse environment. Secondary tasks can be: bottomward of baby units appropriate forces, abandonment and acreage beneath appropriate altitude of of appropriate operations and they can additionally accept ammunition from added tanker Aircraft.

The American Air Force has an account of 24 MC-130P aircraft, the Air National Guard has 4. In 1996 they accept been adapted and additionally in 2005. This aftermost amend contains: bigger navigation, communication, blackmail apprehension and cyberbanking countermeasures systems. The accomplished MC-130P agile has a absolutely chip aeronautics and GPS system, night eyes goggles, exoteric lighting, FLIR, alarm and missile admonishing receivers, chaffs and flares, night eyes beam which are accordant with the head-up display, accessory and abstracts communication, refuel accommodation (only on 15 aircraft).

During appropriate operations the MC-130P can fly after alien lighting and advice for low/none acceptance of adversary alarm and weapons.

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