Saturday, November 12, 2011

J-15 Flying Shark China's Newest Jet Fighter

J-15 Flying Shark China's Newest Jet Fighter
J-15 Flying Shark China's Newest Jet Fighter
The J-15 Flying Shark is China's newest fighter jet, a fighter with folding wings sinuous, shortened tail cone and landing gear muscular you need to serve China's first aircraft carrier, which is expected to begin soon sea ​​trials. It is a testament to growing dominance of China's military technology.

rumors said that of J-15 was a new semi-stealth design. The J-15 aircraft is now believed to be based on Russian Su-33 and the structural configuration of the flight control system, as well as domestic J-11B radar and weapons systems. A prototype His-33 (T-10K-3) was purchased from Ukraine in around 2001 and has been studied extensively.

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