Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Saab 37 Viggen Multi-role Fighter Jet

Saab 37 Viggen Multi-role Fighter Jet
Designed to satisfy exacting Swedish needs, the innovative Saab 37 Viggen (thunderbolt) multi-role fighter was for several years the backbone of Sweden's air defence, and these days 5 of the Flygvapnet's front-line Flottiljer till fly the kind.

the first Viggen prototype created its maiden flight in 1967, and the initial production AJ 37 attack fighter (108 built) flew in 1971. the opposite major variants comprised 27 SF 37s for all-weather overland reconnaissance, 28 SH 37s for maritime reconnaissance and 17 Sk 37 operational conversion trainers.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Taranis UK Unmanned Air Vehicle Program

Taranis UK Unmanned Air Vehicle ProgramThe MQ-1 Predator and MQ-9 Reaper could be the foremost menacing UAVs patrolling the skies these days, however they are close to face some stiff competition. The UK's Ministry of Defense announced its Taranis UAV design, lifting the veil off of a £124 million project that has been in development for three years and brought up a million and man hours.

Named after the Celtic god of Thunder (Thor is Nordic), Taranis is being designed as a stealth combat vehicle capable of long-range air strikes--the MOD even claims eventual cross-continent capabilities. Ground-based testing has been ongoing since early 2010, and will conclude with the vehicle's first flight. Flight trials are expected to start in 2011.

The technology demonstrator vehicle (TDV), the Taranis air vehicle is one of the world's largest unmanned air vehicles and is approximately the same size as the BAE Systems Hawk advanced jet trainer that is 11.35m long, 3.98m high and has a wingspan of 9.94m. On the same basis, the load of the Taranis is approximately 8t. For comparison the empty weight and take-off weight of the Hawk are 4.45t and 9.1t.

The Taranis air vehicle contains a delta-wing shape and tricycle-type landing gear. A computer-generated video shows the system taking off from a paved runway. The Taranis air vehicle is similar in shape, if not in scale, to BAE's Raven delta-wing demonstrator unmanned air vehicle.

Monday, February 27, 2012

X-45 Unmanned Combat Ariel Vehicle

X-45 Unmanned Combat Ariel Vehicle
The Boeing joint unmanned combat air system X-45 is an unmanned combat air vehicle being developed for strike missions like Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (SEAD), electronic warfare and associated operations.

The Joint Unmanned Combat Air System (J-UCAS) programme began being managed by DARPA, however was handed over to a joint US Navy and Air Force office in October 2005. the two principle systems being developed under the primary part of the programme, the Spiral 0 phase, are the Boeing X-45 and Northrop Grumman X-47.

In March 2004, the X-45A completed a ten-day schedule of test flights as well as dropping a 250lb inert tiny smart Bomb (SSB) at NASA's Dryden Flight research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California.

The X-45A air vehicle released the unguided weapon from its internal weapon bay at an altitude of 35,000ft and speed Mach 0.67 (about 442mph). In August 2004, the first test of multi-vehicle operations took place. two X-45A demonstrators were controlled by one operator / pilot. X-45A flight tests were successfully concluded in August 2005.

Friday, February 17, 2012

F-15I Raam Israeli Strike Eagle

F-15I Raam Israeli Strike Eagle
The F-15I Raam (the Israeli Strike Eagle) is extremely similar in to the F-15E on the surface, but extremely different inside. full of cutting edge Israeli systems, the Raam features an avionics suite that's extremely potent and And this isn't as well similar in to the US version. Not much is known on the exact capabilities of those systems, that being said one can assume that they rival the original Strike Eagle in a few respects.

All F-15I airframes seem to be equipped with other Pratt&Whitney F100-PW-229 engines, the stronger one from one the two P&W engine models employed at the Strike Eagles. The model engine exhaust actuator mechanisms seem to be covered with other titanium 'turkey feathers', And this the USAF found as well expensive to keep and prone to Get lost accidentally, hence omitted from}the Strike Eagle. The actuator covers minimize aircraft drag, though only marginally.

Monday, February 13, 2012

ES-3A Shadow Electronic Reconnaissance Aircraft

ES-3A Shadow Electronic Reconnaissance Aircraft
The Navy's ES-3A Shadow is a high winged, jet powered, twin engine, carrier-based electronic reconnaissance mission aircraft equipped along with other folding wings, a launch bar, also as a tailhook. The heart of these Shadow is an avionics suite Depending on the Aries II way to do of those land-based EP-3E Orion. The Shadow's fuselage is full of sensor stations and processing equipment, also as the exterior sports over 60 antennae.

The ES-3A Shadow crew is comprised of a pilot, an NFO, and two systems operators. Advanced sensor, navigation and communications systems allow the ES-3A's four-person crew to collect extensive data, and distribute that high-quality info through a variety of channels in to the carrier battle group. This provides the battle group commander a clear imagine of potential airborne, surface and sub-surface threats.

The ES-3A is a signal intelligence modification of those S-3 Viking anti-submarine aircraft. All 16 ES-3 aircraft look like modified S-3 Viking airframes. It replaced the EA-3B Skywarrior (commonly referred to as the Whale), a veteran of over 40 years fleet service.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

T-45 Goshawk Naval Jet Trainer

T-45 Goshawk Naval Jet Trainer
The T-45A aircraft, the Navy version of these British Aerospace Hawk aircraft, is utilized for intermediate and advanced portions of these Navy pilot training system for jet carrier aviation and tactical strike missions. The latest version of these aircraft, known as the T-45C, includes a digital cockpit.

The primary mission of these T-45 is to provide Navy strike flight training. The aircraft provides the ability to train student naval aviators for high performance jet aircraft and to qualify students for a basic instrument rating and first carrier qualification. In addition, the aircraft supports training in basic tactical skills, concentrating onthe development of habit patterns, self confidence, and judgment required for safe and efficient transition to fleet aircraft along with other advanced technology weapon systems

The T-45 Training system (T-45TS) is your first completely built-in undergraduate jet pilot training system. It consists of five elements: instructional pieces of software utilizing computer-assisted techniques; advanced flight simulators; the T-45 aircraft; a Training Integration system (TIS); and contractor logistics support package. the learning system elements build upon every single other to teach pilot skills progressively and logically.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Z-11 China Light Utility Helicopter

Z-11 China Light Utility Helicopter
The Z-11 is a light utility helicopter designed for training and liaison missions. two batches of Z-11s are in service at the army Aviation training school. Developed by CHAIC and 602 Institute, Z-11 passed the certification in December 1996 and the first batch were delivered to the army Aviation in August 1998. Compared to Z-9, it weighs less (2,200kg) and is powered only by one WZ-8D turbo-shaft engine (rated @ 510kW) rather than two. Its most speed is 278km/h, service ceiling 5,240m, max range 598km, endurance 3.9hr.

It seems that Z-11 was truly based on French AS-350B Squirrel, 7 of that are in service with the army Aviation (S/N LH904XX). A scout version just like US Army OH-58D was developed and dubbed Z-11WA. This variant features a roof-mounted all-weather TV/IIR sight and an NVG compatible cockpit. It can be armed with 57mm unguided rockets, 12.7mm machine gun pod and up to 4 KD-8 ATGMs.

The first prototype of Z-11WA flew on December 27, 2004. but this version didn't attract any order from the army and instead a number of Z-9WZ were acquired. Recent pictures indicated that Z-11 has been carrying a military camouflage. the latest news (October 2011) suggested that China and Argentina signed an agreement to assemble CZ-11W scout helicopter in Argentina aiming at the entire South american market.

Friday, February 3, 2012

T-60S Russia Stealth Bomber Program

T-60S Russia Stealth Bomber Program
Described as smaller compared to the U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit stealth bomber, the Russian T-60S stealth bomber is being developed by Russian aircraft manufacturer Sukhoi, maker of the famed SU-27 Flanker fighter. The T-60S program reportedly uses a variable "swing" geometry wing and includes extensive stealth design features.

The move toward a stealth bomber is seen as an indication that President Vladimir Putin intends to upgrade every the tactical and strategic weapons used by Russia. The new stealth aircraft will enable the Russian air force to fight a complicated conventional war beyond the borders of Federation and compete directly With the U.S. Air Force.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

X-47 Pegasus Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV)

X-47 Pegasus Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV)
Northrop Grumman designed the X-47 Pegasus unmanned combat aerial vehicle (UCAV) demonstrator under a $12 million DARPA/Navy contract. it's supposed to evaluate technologies and ideas for a possible follow-on carrier-capable, naval UCAV (UCAV-N) for fielding in the post-2010 timeframe. The UCAV-N is to perform three missions: surveillance, strike, and suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD). the one X-47 flight test aircraft was formally rolled out in July, 2001.

Expected capabilities of the Pegasus include a combat radius of 1,300 nautical miles with a payload of 4,500 pounds, and also the ability to loiter for two hours over a target up to 1,000 nautical miles away, an operational altitude of greater than 35,000 feet and a high subsonic speed.

The X-47 will be capable of defense stimulation, deception and neutralization as well as being remotely networked with theater and national sensor systems. Expect the plane to hold a complement of advanced SEAD ordinance and accurately target multiple enemies simultaneously.