Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ka-27 Helix Naval Anti-Submarine Helicopters

Ka-27 Helix Naval Anti-Submarine Helicopters
Ka-27 Helix Naval Anti-Submarine Helicopters
The Kamov Ka-27 (NATO reporting name 'Helix') is naval anti-submarine helicopters developed for the Soviet Navy, and currently in service in Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, South Korea, People's Republic of China, Republic of China and India.

Ka-27 is an improved version of the Ka-25. The fuselage was redesigned to provide a large increase in cabin space, with only a small increasse in external dimensions. enables the Ka-27 to operate from the same ships as the Ka-25. as the 1960s drew to a close, the requirement arose for a new shipboard anti-submarine warfare helicopter to switch the Soviet Navy's main ASW chopper.

The Ka-27 helicopter is powered by two TV3-117KM turboshaft engines. The Ka-28, a modification of the Ka-27, is powered by two more powerful TV3-117VK turboshaft engines, with increased fuel and take-off weight.

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