Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
A-50 Mainstay Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircraft

The aircraft is accepted in the West by the Nato codename Mainstay. Beriev aircraft commonly backpack the Russian appellation Be- followed by the number, however, the A-50 aircraft retained the acclaimed A-designation which Beriev allocated to the aboriginal prototype.
The A-50 entered account with the Russian Air Force in 1984. Currently, 16 aircraft are operational in the Russian Air Force. The account activity of the Russian AF A-50s were upgraded to 2020. The overhauled A-50M Mainstay aircraft began official testing on 10 September 2008.
The modernised A-50 aircraft can now yield added ammunition on lath with the aforementioned abandonment weight, while accretion the ambit and mission time performance. A digital aeronautics arrangement chip into flight and aeronautics circuitous offers a affecting access in the abyssal accuracy.
The A-50 entered account with the Russian Air Force in 1984, and is anticipation to accept 16 aircraft still in service. The latest version, the A-50U was apparent in 1995. Russian AF A-50s are upgraded to extend their account activity to 2020. The upgraded aircraft entered account in 2008.
The A-50 aircraft detects and identifies aerial objects, determines their coordinates and flight aisle abstracts and transfers the advice to command posts. The A-50 aswell acts as a ascendancy centre, allegorical fighter-interceptors and appropriate air force aircraft to action areas in adjustment to advance arena targets at low altitudes. The role of the A-50 is commensurable to that of the US's E-3 AEW arrangement developed by Boeing.
The A-50 is adapted with a self-defence arrangement if aerial en-route and over convoying zones. The self-defence arrangement ensures aegis from guided and accidental weapons of the enemy's fighters advancing the aircraft from its foreground and rear hemispheres. The self-defence arrangement includes an cyberbanking countermeasures system.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Super Lynx UK Multi-role Helicopter

The argosy Super Lynx is a multi-role helicopter for anti-surface warfare, anti-submarine warfare, seek and accomplishment and account operations.
Over 200 argosy Lynx helicopters are operational with 11 navies and are action accurate in several above conflicts including Operation Iraqi Freedom in March / April 2003. Over 200 Lynx advance / advance helicopters accept aswell been produced.
The Lynx airframe is complete of blended and ablaze alloy. The non-retractable tricycle-type landing accessory is advised for the helicopter to accomplish from baby ships in Sea State 6 and appearance oleo-pneumatic struts, which blot the shock of a 6ft/s coast rate.
A hydraulically operated harpoon deck-lock accepting arrangement secures the helicopter to the deck. The capital auto can be towed out, acceptance the aircraft to about-face into the wind while the deck-lock harpoon charcoal engaged. This removes the charge for the address to change course.
The berth amplitude of about 5.2m³ can board up to nine troops. Up to 1,360kg of burden can be underslung from an alien burden angle for ship-to-shore and ship-to-ship replenishment.
Sea Skua is an all-weather anti-ship missile developed by MBDA (formerly Matra BAe Dynamics) to accommodate medium- and all-embracing defence. Countries deploying the Sea Skua missile cover the UK, Bahrain, Germany, South Korea, Brazil and Turkey. Malaysian Navy Super Lynx 300 will aswell be armed with Sea Skua. The Lynx carries four Sea Skua missiles. The ambit of both the semi-active radar-guided Sea Skua missile and the Seaspray alarm is about 25km, which gives a stand-off adequacy to the Lynx helicopter.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
MiG AT Advanced Trainer Aircraft

The MiG-AT is allotment of a complete action trainer arrangement including simulators, computerised classrooms, task-based simulators and alternate video training. The aircraft has manoeuvrability commensurable to a ambit of front-line action aircraft including the MiG-29, Su-27, Mirage-2000, Rafale, Typhoon, F-15, F-16 and F/A-18.
The additional is the MiG ATR trainer standards, with Russian avionics. The third is the ancestor for the MiG ATS combat-capable trainer. It has a helmet-mounted ambition appellation system, accouterment for seven alien hardpoints (in abode of the basal trainer's three) and a array of centreline targeting pods. The as-yet unbuilt MiG AS will be a single-seater, declared as getting akin to the BAE Hawk 200.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Saab 37 Viggen Multi-role Fighter Jet
the first Viggen prototype created its maiden flight in 1967, and the initial production AJ 37 attack fighter (108 built) flew in 1971. the opposite major variants comprised 27 SF 37s for all-weather overland reconnaissance, 28 SH 37s for maritime reconnaissance and 17 Sk 37 operational conversion trainers.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Taranis UK Unmanned Air Vehicle Program

Named after the Celtic god of Thunder (Thor is Nordic), Taranis is being designed as a stealth combat vehicle capable of long-range air strikes--the MOD even claims eventual cross-continent capabilities. Ground-based testing has been ongoing since early 2010, and will conclude with the vehicle's first flight. Flight trials are expected to start in 2011.
The technology demonstrator vehicle (TDV), the Taranis air vehicle is one of the world's largest unmanned air vehicles and is approximately the same size as the BAE Systems Hawk advanced jet trainer that is 11.35m long, 3.98m high and has a wingspan of 9.94m. On the same basis, the load of the Taranis is approximately 8t. For comparison the empty weight and take-off weight of the Hawk are 4.45t and 9.1t.
The Taranis air vehicle contains a delta-wing shape and tricycle-type landing gear. A computer-generated video shows the system taking off from a paved runway. The Taranis air vehicle is similar in shape, if not in scale, to BAE's Raven delta-wing demonstrator unmanned air vehicle.
Monday, February 27, 2012
X-45 Unmanned Combat Ariel Vehicle
The Joint Unmanned Combat Air System (J-UCAS) programme began being managed by DARPA, however was handed over to a joint US Navy and Air Force office in October 2005. the two principle systems being developed under the primary part of the programme, the Spiral 0 phase, are the Boeing X-45 and Northrop Grumman X-47.
In March 2004, the X-45A completed a ten-day schedule of test flights as well as dropping a 250lb inert tiny smart Bomb (SSB) at NASA's Dryden Flight research Center, Edwards Air Force Base, California.
The X-45A air vehicle released the unguided weapon from its internal weapon bay at an altitude of 35,000ft and speed Mach 0.67 (about 442mph). In August 2004, the first test of multi-vehicle operations took place. two X-45A demonstrators were controlled by one operator / pilot. X-45A flight tests were successfully concluded in August 2005.
Friday, February 17, 2012
F-15I Raam Israeli Strike Eagle
All F-15I airframes seem to be equipped with other Pratt&Whitney F100-PW-229 engines, the stronger one from one the two P&W engine models employed at the Strike Eagles. The model engine exhaust actuator mechanisms seem to be covered with other titanium 'turkey feathers', And this the USAF found as well expensive to keep and prone to Get lost accidentally, hence omitted from}the Strike Eagle. The actuator covers minimize aircraft drag, though only marginally.
Monday, February 13, 2012
ES-3A Shadow Electronic Reconnaissance Aircraft
The ES-3A Shadow crew is comprised of a pilot, an NFO, and two systems operators. Advanced sensor, navigation and communications systems allow the ES-3A's four-person crew to collect extensive data, and distribute that high-quality info through a variety of channels in to the carrier battle group. This provides the battle group commander a clear imagine of potential airborne, surface and sub-surface threats.
The ES-3A is a signal intelligence modification of those S-3 Viking anti-submarine aircraft. All 16 ES-3 aircraft look like modified S-3 Viking airframes. It replaced the EA-3B Skywarrior (commonly referred to as the Whale), a veteran of over 40 years fleet service.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
T-45 Goshawk Naval Jet Trainer
The primary mission of these T-45 is to provide Navy strike flight training. The aircraft provides the ability to train student naval aviators for high performance jet aircraft and to qualify students for a basic instrument rating and first carrier qualification. In addition, the aircraft supports training in basic tactical skills, concentrating onthe development of habit patterns, self confidence, and judgment required for safe and efficient transition to fleet aircraft along with other advanced technology weapon systems
The T-45 Training system (T-45TS) is your first completely built-in undergraduate jet pilot training system. It consists of five elements: instructional pieces of software utilizing computer-assisted techniques; advanced flight simulators; the T-45 aircraft; a Training Integration system (TIS); and contractor logistics support package. the learning system elements build upon every single other to teach pilot skills progressively and logically.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Z-11 China Light Utility Helicopter
It seems that Z-11 was truly based on French AS-350B Squirrel, 7 of that are in service with the army Aviation (S/N LH904XX). A scout version just like US Army OH-58D was developed and dubbed Z-11WA. This variant features a roof-mounted all-weather TV/IIR sight and an NVG compatible cockpit. It can be armed with 57mm unguided rockets, 12.7mm machine gun pod and up to 4 KD-8 ATGMs.
The first prototype of Z-11WA flew on December 27, 2004. but this version didn't attract any order from the army and instead a number of Z-9WZ were acquired. Recent pictures indicated that Z-11 has been carrying a military camouflage. the latest news (October 2011) suggested that China and Argentina signed an agreement to assemble CZ-11W scout helicopter in Argentina aiming at the entire South american market.
Friday, February 3, 2012
T-60S Russia Stealth Bomber Program
The move toward a stealth bomber is seen as an indication that President Vladimir Putin intends to upgrade every the tactical and strategic weapons used by Russia. The new stealth aircraft will enable the Russian air force to fight a complicated conventional war beyond the borders of Federation and compete directly With the U.S. Air Force.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
X-47 Pegasus Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV)
Expected capabilities of the Pegasus include a combat radius of 1,300 nautical miles with a payload of 4,500 pounds, and also the ability to loiter for two hours over a target up to 1,000 nautical miles away, an operational altitude of greater than 35,000 feet and a high subsonic speed.
The X-47 will be capable of defense stimulation, deception and neutralization as well as being remotely networked with theater and national sensor systems. Expect the plane to hold a complement of advanced SEAD ordinance and accurately target multiple enemies simultaneously.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
T129 Turkish Multirole Attack Helicopter
The T129 features an aluminium alloy frame fitted to a five-bladed main rotor, a two-bladed tail rotor and wheeled landing gear. Designed to manage in hot conditions, the T129 can be deployed in a big selection of operations as well as attack, reconnaissance and deterrent missions.
Stealth features and vital weapon systems enable the T129 to control in difficult battlefield environments and confined areas, and ballistic tolerance has been increased for high survivability. Capable of operating in day and night conditions, the helicopter is supplied wit} a laser rangefinder / designator, night vision (helmet-mounted display system) and an emergency locator transmitter (ELT)
The T129 is powered by two LHTEC T800-4A turboshaft engines. each engine will develop an influence output of 1,014kW. The T800-4A is an export variant of the CTS800 engine. it is a length of 0.85m, a diameter of 0.56m and weighs about 154kg. The engines are equipped with the FADEC (full authority digital engine control) system. FADEC reduces the workload of the pilot by controlling all aspects of the aircraft's engine performance.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
J-10 PLAAF Multi-role Fighter Jet
The aircraft has a large vertical tail, and two F-16 style ventral stabilizers believed to provide greater stability at high AoA. Its fuselage is much longer compared to the Israeli Lavi. However, its bubble canopy appears less elevated than the F-16, suggesting that the pilot must possess a true vision of 360 degrees. Unlike J-7E with two delta wings, seems to have a pair of inverted gull wings (ie, the interior portion extends slightly downward, while the outer portion extends flat). Two red dummy PL-8 AAM are regularly under the wings too.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
AS 565 Panther Multirole Light Helicopter
The AS 565 helicopter is armed with Giat M621 20mm cannon pods, 68mm and 70mm unguided rockets. It also carries Matra Mistral air-to-air missiles, AS 15 TT anti-surface missiles, HOT anti-tank missiles, and mk46 or Whitehead A.244/S anti-submarine warfare torpedoes missiles
Friday, January 20, 2012
Jack and the Buccaneers
I nomi che terrorizzavano tutti gli uomini dei mari dei Caraibi nei secoli scorsi, da Henry Morgan a Edward Teach (alias Barbanera), riempiono di grinta la T-shirt bianca - Soul Vanquishers - mentre il famoso Jolly Roger, questo è il nome della bandiera pirata, campeggia su quella nera - Follow the Jolly Roger.
The adventurous and romantic atmosphere of pirates and buccaneers stories (like Jack Sparrow) has inspired the two CaraibiRockers T-shirts you see above.
The names that terrorized all the men on the Caribbean sea in the past ages, from Henry Morgan to Edward Teach (aka Black Beard) are on the white tee - Soul Vanquishers - whereas the Jolly Roger, that's the name of the famous pirate flag, stand on the black one - Follow the Jolly Roger.
Foto : Behind The Scene Pemotretan Aura Kasih
Aura Kasih Mengawali karir sebagai finalis Miss Indonesia dari Provinsi Lampung pada tahun 2007. Pada tahun 2008 ia memulai terjun kedunia tarik suara, dan sukses mengeluarkan Album perdananya " Malaikat Penggoda ", dan mempunyai satu hits single "Mari Bercinta".
Selain terjun ke dunia tarik suara, di tahun yang sama dengan peluncuran Albumnya, Aura Kasih juga sempat terjun ke dunia acting. Film "Asmara Dua Diana" yang dirilis pada Desember 2008, merupakan film yang pertama kali dibintangi olehnya. Selain bermain di dalam film lagu yang dinyanyikan juga menjadi Soundtrack dari film tersebut.
Akhir-akhir ini, foto-foto HOT dan Syuuur Aura Kasih juga beredar di dalam dunia maya. Seperti terlihat di beberapa foto berikut ini:

Cewek Indonesia No 1 Di Google Yang Masih Miterius
Yang ini sebenarnya paling populer di mesin pencari dengan kata kunci "CEWEK" tetapi belum ada penjelasan yang terkait dengan cewek ini...posenya yang hot dengan lidah menjulur sedikit menggoda...menjadi hits di mesin pencari
2. Cewek Pinky Di urutan no 2 di google
Cewek manis dan putih ini sedikit bersaing dengan si cantik no 1 di google. pose nya yang tidak begitu sexy dibandingkan si cantik no 1. tetapi masih bertahan di urutan no 2...penjelasan tentang cewek ini pun belum diketahui siapa dan dari mana asalnya.
3. Cewek Misterius Yang Mengenakan Seragam SMA no 3 di google
Nah kalo yang ini. banyak ditemui dan menjadi favorite dan sarana promosi esek-esek..hehe..foto cewek sma ini banyak dipakai dan menghiasi banner-banner iklan yang membutuhkan banyak klik untuk iklannya. siapa yang enggak penasaran dengan foto imut hot dari cewek abg yang masih sma ini..iklan nya pun pernah nampang di facebook...pertanyaannya kalo pernah nampang dibanyak situs..tapi masih belum juga diketahui siapa sih sebenarnya cewek sexy imut berseragam smu ini..
Nah untuk yang 2 ini adalah bisa dibilang jagoannya walaupun sudah tidak misterius lagi tapi gampang untuk mencarinya di mesin pencari, tinggal ketik namanya dan ribuan foto 2 cewek ABG paling fenomenal ini pun tampil. Dan pastinya menjadi legenda dan tetap favorite. namanya pun sudah banyak yang kenal..tapi sayang walaupun terkenal rimba-nya masih belum diketahui sampai sekarang...! kemana yah?
4. Chika
Cewek ini berasal dari bandung, selain foto-foto nude-nya tersebar di internet si cewek asal bandung ini pun punya segudang video bokep. Siapa sih guys cewek yang terkenal karena foto bugilnya di internet ? Chika bandung , pasti kamu pernah dengar yang namanya chika. Entah darimana asalnya dan bagaimana si chika ini. Cuman dari informasi yang banyak beredar di internet si chika ini berasal dari daerah bandung jawa barat. Untuk kebenaran informasinya juga sulit dibuktika.
5. Tirani Dwitasari
Kalo denger namanya mungkin ada yang kenal ada yang ngak.. Doi adalah top selebs indonesia di dunia maya & Ratunya FS pada pun saksi nyatanya.. tinggal tulis tirani n eng ing eng.. kl doyan maen fs pasti sering nemuin foto doi tp namanya beda - beda.. dia lah Tirani Dwitasari. dia hanya gadis biasa seperti umumnya.. melalui jenjang web sosial friendster.. nama tirani mulai byk di kenal.. hingga muncul-muncul plagiat tirani.. banyak yang mengatakan tirani merupakan seorang model.. namun banyak juga yang menyangkalnya..
Ini hanyalah sebuah berita tren di internet. Jika pengen tahu siapa mereka coba aja liat searching di google tentang foto cewek. Untuk lihat foto cewek lainnya mungkin anda perlu searching via google image tentang cewek-cewek.
6. Tarra Nadhira
Foto-Foto Terra Nadhira Hindersah beredar di internet. Mahasiswi perguruan tinggi swasta Jakarta ini tiba-tiba terkenal bukan karena ia ngetop diyoutube dengan gaya dan nyanyinya y`ng gokil, lucu kaya shinta Jojo atau gayus dan yang lainnya, tapi karena gaya dan pose bugilnya yang bikin jantung laki-laki yang melihat bisa berdetak kenceng.
Tara Nadhira mahasiswi Binus ini memiliki berbagai macam foto-foto pose panas yang kini telah beredar luas di berbagai situs dewasa. Judul foto yang beredar disitus porno tersebut “Additional Nude Facebook Photos From Indonesian Student Tarra Nadhira Hindersah”
7. Lydia Sefthy
Kita mungkin sering mendengar kata-kata dalam pembicaran sehari-hari dengan istilah "Begitulah anak jaman sekarang", atau lebih tepatnya " Beginilah kelakuan anak SMA jaman sekarang", dan dari arti kata tersebut sebenarnya bukan untuk memuji melaikan memojokkan, atau menyindir seseorang anak yang baru duduk di bangku SMA.
Kenakalan remaja khususnya anak SMA bukan terjadi pada saat sekarang saja, namun anak SMA nakal sudah ada dari jaman dulu, dan salah satu pembuktian bahwa dari jaman dulu juga sudah ada anak SMA nakal, maka berikut ini kaskus mencoba untuk mempulikasikannya kepada anda.
8. Tris Oktaviani Quinita Latief
Adalah model cantik yang berasal dari Bandung facebooknya mencapai 100 akun lebih. Soalnya menyangkut Ka Anyunt juga.
Pacarnya Triss juga ikut kena, namanya Zainal atau biasa di sapa Inal. Sampai sekarang facebook Triss masih belum diketahui yang asli yang mana dan pasti para facebookers sudah ada yang tau kan ? bahwa banyak website yang mecantumkan nama Triss dan memakai poto Triss.
Para Waria Menuntut Hak di Komnas HAM
Para Waria Menuntut Hak di Komnas HAM - Para waria merasa masih dipinggirkan oleh sebagian masyarakat Indonesia. Mereka merasa tak mendapatkan hak yang sama dengan anggota masyarakat lainnya.
Hari ini, Jumat 20 Januari 2012, puluhan waria mendatangi Komisi Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) di Jakarta Pusat. Puluhan waria itu berdandan, mulai gaya klasik hingga modern. Ada yang mengenakan kebaya lengkap dengan selendang dan bersanggul. Ada juga yang mengenakan blazer.
Mereka datang dengan beberapa tuntutan. Antara lain menuntut persamaan hak kaum waria serta minoritas sebagai warga negara Indonesia.
Tak hanya meminta persamaan hak, parawaria ini juga mendukung Ketua Umum Forum Waria Indonesia, Yulianus Rettoblaut, untuk menjadi anggota Komnas HAM.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Fungsi Dan Manfaat Auto Ping Pada Blog

Caranya klik , lalu copy paste kode link yang ada, letakkan kode link yang diberikan di blog atau website kita dan taruh kode tersebut dimana saja pada widget area. Untuk tampilan dan warna bisa disesuaikan karena disediakan setting parameternya. Jika kode link tersebut sudah terpasang, setiap kali setelah posting atau editing kita tinggal klik widget Auto ping yang sudah terpasang, otomatis akan terbuka jendela baru dan ping akan langsung berjalan, jadi tidak perlu membuka atau mencari2 situs/web penyedia layanan ping service lagi.
Contoh Surat Undangan

Nomor : II
Hal : Undangan
Lampiran : 1
Kepada Yth :
Seluruh anggota karang taruna
Di Tempat
Dengan Hormat
Assalamua\'alaikum Wr.Wb, segala puja dan puji hanyalah milik Allah, yang selalau memberi rahmat dan taufiknya kepada kita, shalawat dan salam selalau tercurah kepada junjungan kita semua, pemimpin ummat NabiyullahMuhammad Saw, keluarga, para sahabatnya, dan seluruh umat-Nya sampai akhir zaman.
Dalam rangka penyambutan hari raya Idul-Adha kami selaku panita Idul-Adha mengundang seluruh anggota karang taruna untuk dapat berpartisipasi dalam penyambutan hari raya Idul-Adha
Perayaannya sendiri akan dilaksanakan pada:
Hari/Tanggal : Minggu 2 Desember 2010
Waktu : 08.00-14.00 WIB
Tempat : Lapangan RW08
Acara : Idul-Adha
Atas kehadiran dan perhatiannya seluruh kami ucapkan terima kasih
Sekretaris Ketua
Nur Santi Dadi Firman
Posted by rachmat at 5:56 PM
Contoh Surat Perjanjian Terlengkap

1. Contoh Surat perjanjian kontrak rumah
Kami yang bertanda tangan dibawah ini :
1. Nama : Hasron Syah
Agama : Islam
Alamat : Jalan Gitar Blok E No. 3
Taman Cipondoh Permai Tangerang
Pekerjaan : Pegawai Swasta
Selanjutnya disebut sebagai pihak pertama / pemilik
2. Nama : Subandi
Agama : Islam
Alamat : Bona Sarana Indah Blok D1 No. 20 Tangerang
Selanjutnya disebut sebagai pihak kedua penyewa rumah
( Subandi ) ( Hasron Syah )
2. Contoh Surat Perjanjian Kontrak
I. N a m a :
Jabatan :
Alamat :
Bertindak dan atas nama (SEBUTKAN NAMA LEMBAGA) dan selanjutnya disebut PIHAK PERTAMA.
II. Nama :
Jabatan :
Alamat :
Bertindak dan atas nama (SEBUTKAN NAMA LEMBAGA) dan selanjutnya disebut PIHAK KEDUA.
Pasal 1
Lingkup Kerjasama
Pasal 2
1 Program ...................... merupakan ....................
2 PIHAK KEDUA membuat .................... PIHAK PERTAMA untuk ...................
2 ...............................
Hak dan Kewajiban
1. ......................
2. ......................
Aturan Tambahan
pada Tanggal …………………
(………………………….) (………………………..)
3. Contoh Surat Perjanjian Kerjasama
Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:
Sebagai imbalan atas kewajibannya, pihak kedua berhak untuk mendapatkan :
Hak pihak pertama adalah hal-hal yang menjadi kewajiban pihak kedua.
Saksi I Saksi II
( Agnes ) ( Angga )
Saksi I Saksi II
( Agung ) ( Dian )
4. Contoh Surat perjanjian jual beli rumah
4. Pihak kedua akan mendapatkan hak kepemilikan secara penuh apabila pembayaran telah dinyatakan lunas
5. Segala kerusakan kecil maupun besar dari rumah tersebut menjadi tanggungan sepenuhnya dari Pihak Kedua tanpa kecuali
6. Segala ketentuan yang belum diatur dalam perjanjian ini akan diatur selanjutnya dalam addendum/amandemen yang merupakan bagian tak terpisahkan dari perjanjian ini dan akan diputuskan secara bersama
7. Apabila terjadi sengketa atas isi dan pelaksanaan perjanjian ini, kedua belah pihak akan menyelesaikannya secara musyawarah
8. Apabila penyelesaian secara musyawarah tidak berhasil, maka kedua belah pihak sepakat untuk memilih domisili hukum dan tetap di kantor Kepaniteraan Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Utara.
Semoga ikatan perjanjian ini membawa berkah bagi semua pihak.