Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Tu-22 Blinder Soviet Supersonic Bomber

Tu-22 Blinder Soviet Supersonic BomberTu-22 Blinder Soviet Supersonic Bomber
The Tu-22 "Blinder" was the first Soviet supersonic bomber design intended to replace the Tu-16. The Tu-22 original design aimed at creating a contemporary terrorist could avoid combat interceptors using its high speed and altitude. The mid-range Tu-22 were Anglo-American strike bomber bases and other key objectives of NATO and the U.S. Navy carriers in Europe and Asia.

The Tu-22 design feautres a long and thin, tube-like fuselage with a pointed nose pointing and swept wings. The plane was nicknamed "Shilo" (punch) for his crew for their metallic form, he said. The two Dobrynin VD-7M engines are in pods above the main body, one on each side of the plane's tail. From 1965 these were replaced by improved motor Kolesov RD-7M2. The design improved the flow of air into the engine, minimizing the possibility of medical waste removed from the earth.

Disadvantage of the design problem was the maintenance of engines in this position, the necessary strengthening of the tail section and the front had to be Mas because the center of gravity was in the rear of the aircraft. The main landing gear retracts into separate shelves extend beyond the wing.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

U-2 Dragon Lady Spy Aircraft

U-2 Dragon Lady Spy Aircraft
The U-2 Dragon Lady spy aircraft flies at the edge of space over 95 percent of Earth's atmosphere, which allows you to bypass normal anti-aircraft missiles.The first U-2 was built by hand in 1952 by engineers at Lockheed and entered service in 1955, making surveillance flights over the Soviet Union.

The aircraft was completed in eight months and exceeded expectations. I had a flight range of 3000 nautical miles, and a maximum altitude of 70,000 feet up to 20,000 feet higher than Russian interceptors, so the U2 plane more difficult to realize in the moment.

The long, straight wings give the U-2, and glider features. It can lead to a variety of sensors and cameras and is an extremely reliable aircraft.Because recognition has to fly at high altitude, the pilot must wear a full pressure suit. As a physical environment, space begins about 125 kilometers above the earth, but as a physiological medium, which starts at 50,000 feet - the equivalent space area. Flying in this area requires the protection of a full pressure suit to protect against the dangers of altitude hypoxia, decompression sickness, the line of Armstrong, and extreme cold.

Monday, November 28, 2011

C-141 Starlifter Troop and Cargo Carrier

C-141 Starlifter Troop and Cargo Carrier
The Lockheed (now Lockheed Martin) C-141 was the first jet aircraft designed to meet military standards as a troop transport and cargo. It was also the first military plane that was developed with the requirement for FAA type certification in the contract. The Starlifter is the workhorse of Air Mobility Command. It serves a broad spectrum of airlift requirements through its ability to airlift combat forces over long distances, where those forces and their equipment either by conventional downloads airdrop, resupply forces employees, and extract the sick and wounded from a hostile area.

The C-141B is a stretched version of the original C-141A in flight refueling capability. The C-141B is about 23 feet longer than the C-141A, with capacity increased by about one third. The C-141 force, reaching seven million hours of flight, has a proven reliability and long range.

To delay the aging aircraft fleet in active service, 56 airplanes were transferred to PAI Guard and Reserve from FY95 EU. In addition, the process of retiring high flight hour equivalent aircraft will culminate with the removal of the duty of the whole fleet active AMC FY03. The Air Force plans to retire equipped unit (EU) ARC C-141C aircraft by FY06. A total of 99 C-141 in service worldwide in late 2001. The Air Force does not use the C-141 in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, relying instead on the new, larger C-17. The C-141 were scheduled to retire from active duty before 2004 and inventory of the Reserve and Air National Guard before 2006.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

OH-6A Cayuse Small Tactical Helicopter

OH-6A Cayuse Small Tactical Helicopter
OH-6A Cayuse Small Tactical Helicopter
The OH-6A "Cayuse" is a small tactical helicopter was designed to be used as a military scout during the Vietnam War to meet the needs of the U.S. Army for an observation helicopter very easy to use light (LOH program). Initially sent to Vietnam in early 1968, the Hughes OH-6A was used for command and control, observation, target acquisition and reconnaissance. The Cayuse was organic to the division, brigade, battalion and unit size. The drop of water for four passengers in a "flying egg" (six-passenger with rear seats folded down) was a small, lightweight, robust, easy to operate a helicopter, with very low resistance.

The OH-6A Cayuse was quite effective when combined with the attack helicopter AH-1G Cobra as part of what were known as "Pink Teams". The OH-6A "Loach" (for "LOH") are low-flying targets, "trolling for fire", then marking the target with colored smoke to lead in a Cobra, or "Snake", to attack. The Cayuse could absorb a large quantity of small arms fire and still bring home the crew safely. The OH-6A could be armed with M27 armament subsystem, the port (left) barrel mounting M134 six 7.62 "Minigun" or a 40 mm grenade launcher on the XM8 armament subsystem. In addition, a 7.62 mm caliber pistol M60D machine could be mounted on the rear door opening starboard (right). The OH-6A replaced the Korean era OH-13 Sioux OH-23 light observation helicopters and Raven. The Hughes (model 500M) international military version was sold in ten countries and built under license in Italy and Japan. The Cayuse had a single articulated four-bladed main rotor and a metal two-bladed tail rotor. The OH-6A was driven by a single Allison T63-A turboshaft engine-5A 285 shp, and had a cruising speed of 144 mph (125 knots).

Two special operations versions of the OH-6A are the Hughes (model 500C) AH-6 "Little Bird" armed variant, and the MH-6 version for the transportation / utilities. These advanced versions feature a quieter five-bladed main rotor, minimum cavitation tail rotor and tail distinctive T-shaped

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Ka-20 Harp Anti-Submarine Helicopter

Ka-20 Harp Anti-Submarine HelicopterKa-20 Harp Anti-Submarine Helicopter
The Kamov Ka-20 (NATO codename Harp) was a Soviet specialist anti-submarine helicopter was a precursor of the Ka-25. The Ka-25 was the end result of a requirement of the Soviet navy in 1957 on board a helicopter anti-submarine warfare. In response developed Kamov Ka-20 which first flew in 1960. In July 1961, the Kamov Ka-20 Harp first appeared during the celebration of Soviet Aviation Day with two mock air-to-surface missiles.

The Kamov Ka-20 was a twin-engine helicopter powered by two turboshaft engines provide 670kW Glushenkov a top speed of 220 kmh and a range of 650 km. The Ka-20 was much larger than the Ka-18. Although larger and twin-turbine engine, which is clearly derived from the Ka-15 and Ka-18, and, judging by a search radar housing under the forward fuselage was considered as a new anti-submarine helicopter. It has since come to be regarded as the prototype of the Ka-25 ("hormonal" NATO codename).

Friday, November 25, 2011

MQ-1B Predator USA UAV

MQ-1B Predator USA UAVMQ-1B Predator USA UAV
The versatility of the MQ-1B Predator unmanned aerial vehicle and Special Operations Forces illustrates the importance of developing and maintaining the collective knowledge, the technological and doctrinal adaptability in the GWOT environment. The "M" is the Department of Defense designation for multi-role and "Q" means that the unmanned aircraft system. The "1" refers to the aircraft being the first in a series of purpose-built aircraft systems remotely.

The Predator system was designed in response to a request from the Department of Defense to provide persistent intelligence information, surveillance and reconnaissance combatants. In April 1996, Secretary of Defense selected the U.S. Air Force as the operating service for the RQ-1 Predator system. A change in designation from "RQ-1" to "MQ-1" occurred in 2002 with the addition of the armed reconnaissance role.

The MQ-1 Predator is a medium altitude, long endurance, remotely piloted aircraft. The primary mission of the MQ-1 is interdiction and conducting armed reconnaissance against critical, perishable targets. When the MQ-1 is not actively pursuing its primary mission, which acts as the air component of Joint Forces Commander-owned theater asset for reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition in support of Joint Forces commander.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

J-18 Red Eagle VSTOL Fighter Aircraft

J-18 Red Eagle VSTOL Fighter Aircraft
According to some sources, the J-18 nomenclature is reported that the "Red Eagle" stealth JSF-type aircraft. Details about the Chinese J-18 project is not yet known. The Chinese authorities have not formally launched informtion on these events. The "J-18" could be simply a copy of Chinese J-15 of the Su-33 that appeared in a naval paintjob while rumors J-18 to the surface.

In April 2011 reported that the J-18 had completed a test flight in a database field in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It was reported that the plane's wings, similar to the Russian Su-33, a company based on multi-role fighter, can be folded so that would be deployed in China's future aircraft carriers.

Writing in Defense News, Wendell Minnick reported on April 22, 2011 that "China may have the flight tests of the J-18 Red Eagle vertical short takeoff and landing (VSTOL) battle earlier this month, if you talk about blogs in Chinese military is accurate. ... The tests were performed supposedly earlier this month and the combat is similar to the Sukhoi Su-33 carrier-based fighter. "

Bangladesh Air Force ordered 16 F-7BGI aircraft to replace the old A-5C attack

According to Russian military messenger, Nov. 18 reported that the Bangladesh Air Force Ziao Rahman recently in London at the '2011 International Fighter conference,' said China has ordered the country's 16 new F-7BGI light aircraft will be delivered beginning in 1012, but he did not disclose other details about the transaction information. Analysts pointed out that these F-7BGI may be used to replace Bashar Meng Air Force Base (located near Dhaka Mon 21 Squadron equipped with the old-fashioned Chinese-made A-5C attack aircraft. Meng said the Air Force Commander, F-7BGI China's Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group Company F-7-based research and development of new models, equipped with improved airborne equipment, including 'hand throttle lever' (ie 'hands on the bar 'control device, three multi-function cockpit displays and a HUD. The machine also has GPS system for navigation bomb throwing ability due to Bangladesh's orders, the legendary MiG-21 fighter production will continue to 2012 
Bangladesh Air Force in 2006, equipped with 16 F-7BG fighters and four FT-7BG coach - fighters, while in the earlier 1989-2000 period, Meng also received the Air Force installed 16 F-7MB fighter and 8 FT-7MB trainer aircraft - fighters these fighters (now there are 23 still in service were single-seat fighter and trainer aircraft were currently eight equipment in the MENG 5th and 35th Air Force squadron.
Meng also said the Air Force commander, purchasing F-7BGI is the new generation of fighter aircraft in the Air Force before the transitional measures adopted in the next 13-15 years, 20-32 Meng Air Force plans to buy new fighter aircraft, and most promising candidate models, including the U.S. F-16 and Russia's MiG-29SMT. In addition, Sweden's JAS-39 and Russian Su-30 may also participate in the competition. It is reported that Meng Air Force also plans to purchase in 1999 of its 10 MiG-29 fighter jets to modernize modification, and will also purchase a new trainer to replace the existing fleet of old L-39.
In addition, the Bangladesh Air Force will purchase a number of new trainer aircraft, used to replace the existing fleet of L-39, while its equipment in 1999, 8 Russian-made MiG-29 fighters will be in the next few years been upgraded

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ka-226 Sergeu Light Multipurpose Helicopter

Ka-226 Sergeu Light Multipurpose Helicopter
The Ka-226 light multipurpose helicopter designed to carry out emergency missions in urban areas and congested, and is able to take off and land on small lots, raw. The dimensions of the helicopter are minimal and has no tail rotor, which excludes damage from obstacles and is safer for ground personnel. For the effectiveness of the helicopter is optimized to carry out a wide range of aviation works in different natural environmental conditions. The machine may be involved in the rescue, firefighting, police, or road, oil pipeline or power line operations patrol. Ka-226 is suitable for the operational management of large cities and large agricultural complexes.

The Ka-226 design is based on the Ka-26 since he inherited the overall dimensions, the general provision, some of the structural members in the fuselage and some onboard systems. The most important differences from the design of 30 years of age, are limited to the power plant (two Rolls-Royce turboshaft Allison 250-C20R-engine, 450 horsepower each replaced two outdated piston engines) and avionics. Ka-226 propulsion consists of two engines, which increases the safety of the machine, which is important during flights over the city and difficult terrain. If an engine fails, the helicopter is still able to continue its flight, and even to gain height.

Monday, November 14, 2011

WZ-19 New Chinese Attack Helicopter

WZ-19 New Chinese Attack Helicopter
The WZ-19 new Chinese attack helicopter are used primarily to attack tanks and other heavy white. The new Harbin / AVIC WZ-19 attack helicopters helicopter is based on Z-9W attack anti-armor, which in turn is derived from building permit AS-365N. The WZ-19 engines used (WoZhou WZ8A?), The fuselage of the rotor, aft tail section (including Fenestron tail rotor) with slight modifications of H425 [a recent update of the variants of the Z-9] swhich speed development. Unlike the Z-9W, which was basically a helicopter armed bodied utility, the WZ-19 features a new narrow-body sent to the compact tandem arrangement similar to that of the other helicopters such as Z- 10, T TAI / Agusta Westland -129, AH-1Z Viper, AH-64 Apache, Eurocopter Tiger, Mil Mi-28 helicopter gunships and HAL Light.

The WZ-19 narrow-body has a forward and a tandem cockpit design similar to the Z-10, but with the seat reversed - the pilot sitting in the front seat and the gunner in the back seat. The crew are protected by armor plate, seats withstand shocks and front landing gear retractable. It also has a Z-style nose-mounted EO 9WA (FLIR, TV and laser rangefinder) with weaponry that is in the canon of 30 mm on the chin turret. The helicopter can also carry air-to-air and air-ground weapon package similar to that of Z-9WA in a pair of stubby wings, including ATGM KD-8, PL-90 AAMs and gun pods and 23 lanchers mm rocket.

The WZ-19 helicopter has a toke weight 4,500 kg, 2,350 kg empty weight, maximum cruise speed of 245 kmh [about 150 miles per hour], the maximum rate up to 9 m / s [more than 1. 500 ft / min], range of 700 kilometers [450 miles], on the ceiling (out of ground effect) 2,400 m, the resistance of three hours. Exhaust ports help reduce the use of design of the infrared signal.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

J-15 Flying Shark China's Newest Jet Fighter

J-15 Flying Shark China's Newest Jet Fighter
J-15 Flying Shark China's Newest Jet Fighter
The J-15 Flying Shark is China's newest fighter jet, a fighter with folding wings sinuous, shortened tail cone and landing gear muscular you need to serve China's first aircraft carrier, which is expected to begin soon sea ​​trials. It is a testament to growing dominance of China's military technology.

rumors said that of J-15 was a new semi-stealth design. The J-15 aircraft is now believed to be based on Russian Su-33 and the structural configuration of the flight control system, as well as domestic J-11B radar and weapons systems. A prototype His-33 (T-10K-3) was purchased from Ukraine in around 2001 and has been studied extensively.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A-4 Skyhawk Light Attack Aircraft

A-4 Skyhawk Light Attack AircraftA-4 Skyhawk Light Attack Aircraft
The A-4 Skyhawk is a light attack aircraft, with a design based on the experience gained in the Korean War. The "Scooter" is probably one of the most famous attack aircraft ever designed. This short-range attack and close support aircraft was originally intended for the U.S. Navy and naval forces. The design was a quick success, and Skyhawks continue flying in the air forces around the world.

There are numerous models of the A-4 in use. All models have two 20 mm cannons mounted in the interior, and are capable of carrying conventional and nuclear weapons in the day and night visual meteorological conditions. The aircraft is a very compact, with not much space. The structure is conventional semimonocoque all metal. Equipped with automatic actuating wing slats and flaps hydraulic division. Folding wings were not provided.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mi-17 Hip-H Multi-Role Helicopter

Mi-17 Hip-H Multi-Role HelicopterMi-17 Hip-H Multi-Role Helicopter
The MI-17 (NATO reporting name: Hip-H) is a Multi-Role helicopter used to resupply CLF guerrillas or insert PSOC detachments. Also very well armed with an extensive array or rockets, and firearms misslies. Often used to the air forces of assault infantry to attack the point of penetration, reinforce units in contact or disrupt the counterattack. Additional missions include attack, air support, electronic warfare, early warning in the air medical evacuation, search and rescue, and mine laying.

The Mi-17 is powered by two turboshaft engines Klimov TV3-117MT, each rated at 1950 hp. The helicopter can continue the takeoff, even with engine off. An auxiliary power unit (APU) allows starting the engine at altitudes of 6,000 m. The Mi-17-V5 is powered by two TV3-117VM (A) engines, each rated at 2,200 hp. The Mi-17V7 latter has two VK-2500 turboshaft engines, each rated at 2,400 hp. The VK-2500 engine also features a full authority digital engine control (FADEC) for "hot and high" conditions.

JH-7 Chinese Fighter-Bomber

JH-7 Chinese Fighter-BomberJH-7 Chinese Fighter-Bomber
The JH-7 is twin-engine two-seater, high-mounted swept wings in supersonic fighter-bomber has a configuration similar to the British aircraft "Tornado" attack. The aircraft is designed to have the same role and the kind of setup as the Russian Sukhoi Su-24 "Fencer". It has high mounted wings with compound sweepback, dog tooth leading edges and marked anhedral, twin turbofans, side air intakes, all swep tail surface, comprising large main fin, single small ventral fin and are under all moving stabilizer near the small wings in about two third tranche.

Approxomately Quarterchord sweep angles 45 degrees in the wings and flaps, 55 degrees off the tail. Double-barreled weapons including 23 mm in the nose, two towers of the stores under each wing, plus short-range air-rail-air missile on each wingtip. Load under the wings typical for shipping attck includes two C-801-anti-ship sea skimming missiles and two fuel tanks.

The JH-7 has provided the Chinese Navy with improved attack capabilities. However, WS9 turbofan does not have enough thrust (with 9305 kg thrust driven by motor), the maximum pump capacity of the large size wrestler with a maximum takeoff weight of 27 metric tons is five metric tons much less than foreign aircraft in the same weight.

Monday, November 7, 2011

UH-72A Lakota New U.S Light Utility Helicopters

UH-72A Lakota New U.S Light Utility HelicoptersUH-72A Lakota New U.S Light Utility Helicopters
The UH-72A Lakota is new the new U.S. Army Light Utility Helicopters, the name of a Native American tribe. It is in keeping with the tradition of U.S. Army helicopters to give their Indian names. The Lakota is a military version of the Eurocopter EC145. The helicopters are being manufactured by American Eurocopter. It will replace the older UH-1H Iroquois helicopters and OH-58C Kiowa. Lakota helicopters used in the U.S. only, support for national security, disaster relief operations and law enforcement.

The first UH-72 Lakota was delivered to U.S. Army in 2006. Deliveries of the first eight helicopters were completed in 2007. Helicopters were ordered later and a large percentage production was authorized. The requirement for U.S. Army is a total of 345 helicopters. The Army National Guard will receive the bulk of these helicopters. Five helicopters were ordered by the U.S. Navy.

AV-8B Harrier Light Attack Aircraft

AV-8B Harrier Light Attack AircraftAV-8B Harrier Light Attack Aircraft
The AV-8B Harrier is a single seat, light attack aircraft that provides offensive air support to the Working Group Marine Air-Ground (MAGTF). By virtue of its Vertical / Short Take-Off and Landing (V / STOL) capability, the AV-8B can operate from a variety of amphibious ships, rapidly constructed expeditionary airfields, places of interest (eg, roads), and damaged conventional airfields. This makes the aircraft particularly well suited for providing dedicated close air support.

The AV-8B vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) strike aircraft was designed to replace the AV-8A aircraft and A-4M light attack. The requirement for the Marine Corps force attack V / STOL light has been well documented since the end of 1950. Combining tactical mobility, responsiveness, reduced operating cost base and flexibility, both afloat and ashore, V / STOL aircraft are particularly well suited for combat and special needs expeditionary Marine Corps. The AV-8BII + has the APG-65 radar for the F/A-18 common and all previous systems and the characteristics common to the AV-8BII.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

EA-6B Prowler Electronic Attack Aircraft

EA-6B Prowler Electronic Warfare Aircraft
EA-6B Prowler Electronic Warfare Aircraft
The EA-6B Prowler was designed to complement the Navy's defenses in today's environment of electronic warfare. Electronic countermeasures need to be improved to compete with the growing complexity of hostile radar-guided weapons, missiles and aircraft. The Prowler was the first aircraft built from the drawing boards to fulfill the role of electronic warfare aircraft. The EA-6B Prowler is included in every aircraft carrier deployment. The primary mission of the EA-6B is to protect the units of the surface fleet and other aircraft radar and communications hostile interference.

The EA-6B is an integral part of the first line of defense fleet, and will continue well into the next century. As a result of restructuring DoD assets in 1995, the EF-111 Raven was retired, and the EA-6B was left as the only radar jammer in DoD. Five new squadrons were stood up. Four of these squadrons are dedicated to supporting the wings of the USAF Aerospace Expeditionary Force.

The EA-6B Prowler electronic warfare aircraft - which played a key role in the suppression of enemy air defenses during Operation Desert Storm - enhances the ability to attack not only the wings of the airlines, but Air Force U.S. and allied forces as well. The decision to retire from the Air Force EF-111A Raven and to assign all missions of the Department of Defense radar interference to the Prowler adds to the importance of the EA-6B joint warfare.

With its high-speed interference and Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM) capability, the Prowler is a unique national asset that will be deployed from land bases and aircraft carriers. His ability to control the electromagnetic spectrum and actively deny an adversary the use of radar and communications is unmatched by any airborne platform worldwide.

AH-64D Apache Longbow Multi-mission Helicopter

AH-64D Apache Longbow Multi-mission HelicopterAH-64D Apache Longbow Multi-mission Helicopter
The AH-64D Apache Longbow multi-mission helicopter is the next generation version of original AH-64A Apache. With its fire control radar, the aircraft is known as the AH-64D Longbow Apache. Without the radar, fighter aircraft tested is called the AH-64D Apache.

The AH-64D Apache Longbow increases combat effectiveness in the AH-64A, providing a more flexible digital architecture and the integration of electronics on board computer Built-In Test Equipment (BITE), automatic test equipment (ATE), and operator interactive electronic copy or Technical Manual (IETM) troubleshooting / maintenance that easily adapt to changes resulting from system growth.

In addition, improvements to power and cooling systems and the expansion of avionics bays forward to accommodate the installation of the FCR, and provide for future growth. Navigation system accuracy has been improved thanks to the integration of a built-in miniature integrated global positioning system (GPS) / inertial navigation unit (INU) (EGI), and improved speed Doppler speed sensor (DVRs).

F/A-18 Hornet All-weather Aircraft

F/A-18 Hornet All-weather AircraftF/A-18 Hornet All-weather Aircraft
The F/A-18 Hornet all-weather aircraft, is used as attack aircraft and a fighter. In the combat mode, the F/A-18 is used primarily as a fighter escort and fleet air defense, in its attack mode, which is used for force projection, interdiction and close air support and deep.

All-weather fighter and attack aircraft. The F/A-18 Hornet is a single seat in the nation's first strike in combat. It was designed for traditional applications such as interdiction strike and close air support without compromising its ability to fight. With its excellent fighter and self-defense capabilities, the F/A-18 at the same time increases the survival of the mission of the strike and supplements the F-14 Tomcat in fleet air defense.

F/A-18 Hornets are currently operating in 37 tactical squadrons from air stations worldwide, and 10 carriers. Blue U.S. NavyAngels Flight Demonstration Squadron proudly flies. The Hornet strike force includes aviation for seven foreign customers including Canada, Australia, Finland, Kuwait, Malaysia, Spain and Switzerland.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

SH-60F Oceanhawk Anti-Submarine Warfare

SH-60F Oceanhawk Anti-Submarine WarfareSH-60F Oceanhawk Anti-Submarine Warfare
SH-60F Oceanhawk Carrier based anti-submarine warfare and flight operations support helicopter. SH-60F Oceanhawk was developed by the U.S. Navy to replace the SH-3H Sea King helicopter carrier support. An SH-60F prototype was built and first flew in March 1987. The SH-60F entered service with the fleet aboard the USS Nimitz (SA-2) in 1991.

The SH-60F is a twin-engine medium lift utility helicopters. Equipped with one 4-blade rotor and a single 4-bladed tail rotor. The basic crew complement of the SH-60F is four; pilot co-pilot/ATO a tactical sensor operator enlisted (TSO) and one enlisted acoustic sensor operator (ASO). The SH-60F can accommodate 3 passengers.

Friday, November 4, 2011

UH-60 Black Hawk Medium Lift Utility Helicopters

UH-60 Black Hawk Medium Lift Utility Helicopters
The UH-60 Black Hawk is a twin-engine US medium lift utility helicopters. Equipped with one 4-blade rotor and a single 4-bladed tail rotor. The essential complement to the crew of the UH-60A is three, pilot, copilot, and crewchief. The core of the titanium rotor blades are resistant to AAA (antiaircraft artillery) fire up to 23 mm and equipped with pressure sensors to detect pressure loss of the rotor (damage.)

The UH-60 was qualified in the AGM-114 Hellfire ATGM in 1987 and the helicopter transmission volcano mine delivery system (the volcano is a system of 6,480 pounds that ignores landmines and 960 anti-tank mines. ) In 1985 Black Hawk cockpit lighting was modified to be compatible with NVG (new airframes had this built into their production. In 1987, the protection of wire strike was introduced on all aircraft.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

P-3C Orion Anti-Submarine Warfare

P-3C Orion Anti-Submarine WarfareP-3C Orion Anti-Submarine Warfare
The P-3C orion long-range anti-submarine warfare (ASW). It has advanced submarine detection sensors such as the frequency of direction and ranging (DIFAR) sonobuoys and magnetic anomaly detection (MAD) equipment. The avionics system is integrated by a general purpose digital computer compatible with all tactical displays, monitors and automatically performs the ammunition and provides flight information to pilots. In addition, the system of coordinates navigation information and accepts sensor inputs data for tactical display and storage. The P-3C can carry a mixed load of weapons internally and on pylons on the wings.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Northrop YF-17 Cobra Fighter Aircraft

Northrop YF-17 Cobra Fighter AircraftNorthrop YF-17 Cobra Fighter Aircraft
The Northrop YF-17 was one of the two prototypes tested in the U.S. combat competition from Air Force Air Combat, a program that tried to reverse the trend of increasing cost and complexity of new fighter aircraft, and resulted in the selection and production of the F-16 as the fighter in the world free from the next generation. Although the YF-17 lost the competition for the USAF, which was the prototype F/A-18 U.S. Navy.

Mitsubishi F-1 Japan Multi-role Fighter

Mitsubishi F-1 Japan Multi-role FighterMitsubishi F-1 Japan Multi-role FighterThe Mitsubishi F-1 is a single-seat multi-role fighter jet designed and built jointly by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Fuji Heavy Industries for the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF). It was the first indigenous fighter aircraft built after the Second World War. A total of 77 F-1 was built between 1977 and 1987. The F-1 was decommissioned in 2006. Was replaced with F-2A, which is derived from F-16 Fighter Jet.

The Mitsubishi F-1 can climb at a speed of 118m per second. Its maximum speed is 1,700 mph. The combat range radius and ferry the aircraft is 556 km and 2870 km respectively. Its service ceiling is 15,240 m.